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What is Gusła?

  Gusła (Goose-Wah), is an old Polish word for witchcraft, magic and all things

mysterious. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were

surrounded by a world that they did not understand. A world they could not


Due to this lack of understanding, but a persistent need for a clarity of mind, sure

decision making and a confident life it was born...


In the last century our understanding of the natural world has progressed exponentially, allowing us to get rid of the burden of past superstitions. However, faster and faster it turns out that the amount of new information and technology caused by this increasing understanding has the opposite effect. Arthur C. Clarke said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Our the modern gusła are microchips, artificial intelligence, quantum physics. And they are completely devoid of mysticism, panache or simple superstition.

I want to restore this tiny bit of superstition to us as humanity. Superstition with a function, one that makes us see the ordinary in an extraordinary way.

That's what my gusła is.

Call me Jagelsdorf. On this blog you will find all kinds of my creations. Expect trivial fantasy and science fiction. Prepare for out of focus photos and

crooked images. Tune in for ill-considered columns and bizarre opinions.

Numb yourself to countless unfinished modeling, sculpting, woodworking, general DIY projects and whatever else comes to my mind

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