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Foto 09.12.22, 12 38 24.jpg

Hunting Stand

The old hunting stand stands alone in the open field. A field? Here, yes, indeed, but over there? Behind it? Does the field stretch further behind the wooden structure... I wouldn't be so sure. What then? My legs carry me on their own, driven by such a very human curiosity. I pass the wood blackened from the oily preservative. I enter and see... A sea of fog. Endless whiteness. Coldness. Dampness. Somehow "dark and gloomy" come to mind, but it's not dark. I can see my hands, feet, the ground I walk on... But not where I'm going.

Who knows what lies in that visible darkness. Suddenly, this thick, milky silence is pierced by someone's scream. Someone's? Was it even a human scream? I don't know what's worse and I prefer not to find out. I turn on my heel. Fog. But I had only taken a few steps in! I started walking in whichever direction as there were no directions to discern. I had already resigned myself to the end when I saw the hunting stand in the distance. Shining with the blackness of the wood like a lighthouse. I ran. I ran through the softened, plowed field, as fast as my body could manage. I don't know how much time has passed, but under the posts of the hunting platform, I fell to the ground and lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital. I don't leave the house when it's foggy anymore. Thank god for hybrid work.

Photos taken in December 2022, in the fields near the town of Groß Glienicke.

I often visit this area and this solitary hunting stand has been catching my attention for some time. One day, the weather was perfect for taking pictures. A light frost and milky fog. On the same day, I took more photographs, which I hope to publish on this site in the future.

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